Crimson staff writer

Nicole Savdie

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"Hey Professor!"

Hey Director of Polling at the Institute of Politics,

Free Food (and More) From the UC

With reading period happening before winter break this year, someone has to provide the holiday goodies Mom used to stuff us with at home to ease the stress of finals. Luckily, the UC has put away all the election drama to offer their version of comfort food with a Reading Period Giveaway.

Getting Out of the Ivory Tower

In the confines of the ever-so-convenient Harvard Square, it’s easy to believe that knowing all of the homeless people outside of CVS on a first name basis constitutes social engagement.

15 Questions with Lindsay E. Gary

The closest most Harvard students get to US Weekly-worthy celebs is through their guilty pleasure reading, but Lindsey E. Gary ’06, feels right at home in Hollywood.

Thayer and its Friendly Ghost

Thayer Hall is well known for its central location, impressive common room, and...Victorian-era ghosts? Yes, Thayer, long rumored to be ...