Contributing writer

Jake A. Weatherly

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Harvard Medical School Accepts $9M Gift

The Bertarelli Foundation—the philanthropic arm of the Swiss biotech company Serono—announced at a press conference last Friday its $9 million gift to Harvard Medical School, which will be used to establish a program fostering collaboration in neuroscience between American and Swiss researchers.

Panel Discusses Autism Research

The current direction of research on autism may have a detrimental effect on the treatment and quality of life for ...

Study Claims Drug Legalization Could Save Money

Legalizing drugs in the U.S. could save the federal government $88 billion, according to Harvard economics lecturer Jeffrey A. Miron.

'Igniting Innovation' Promotes Student Entrepreneurship

Students, scientists, and businessmen gathered in Boylston Hall on Saturday for an inspiring display of social enterprise.

Cancer Screening Programs May Be Less Effective

Cancer screening programs might be less effective than previously thought, according to a study conducted by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and Oslo Hospital in Norway.

Default Rates on Student Loans Rise

Default rates on student loans are increasing, as Education Secretary Arne S. Duncan ’86 announced last week, but the news has not translated into dramatic changes for a private university like Harvard.