
Emily Fisher

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Red, White and Black Beauty

I F IGURE THAT HOLLYWOOD promised to most of America what the Gatsbys did once upon a time: the possibility

Lady Star Dust

T HE FALL of 1967 was to be the last fall Kimberly Roth would spend in Troy. Autumn makes no

Screaming Yellow Zombies

T HE UGLINESS of The Exorcist (directed by William Friedkin) is calculated for cheap thrills. It pounds at you mechanically

Thank You Richard Nixon: Ten Movies

The day before yesterday, America began its sixth year of life with Richard Nixon. Since Nixon took over, movies in

Love and Loathing

P ERHAPS because the making of the Women's Movement was in the middle class--maybe good, maybe bad--the most vocal of

Kiss the Money and Run

H APPY NEW YEAR (directed by Claude Lelouch, starring Francoise Fabian, Charles Gerard and Lino Ventura) is so much gauzy

The Sugar Daddy Won't Last All Day

I T WAS THE MATCH the world awaited. That should be qualified: a quite special world awaited the Riggs-King spectacle,

Goodbye to All That, and Good Riddance

I WAS RIPE for something rotten even before I got it here. And that freshman year, four years ago, was

Winner Take All

T HE CLUBHOUSE looks out over a square mile or so of grass courts banked by ridges of trees and