What Would Make Us Happy

The Harvard Happiness Project created the HappyNest last spring in order to give students a place to relax, have fun, ...
By Ryan D. Smith

The Harvard Happiness Project created the HappyNest last spring in order to give students a place to relax, have fun, and de-stress. From 8:00-11:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, students can come to this room in Hilles to enjoy mini golf, Wii, Xbox, Legos, remote control cars, Buddha boards, and more. While this list certainly sounds enticing, FM decided to conduct a comprehensive survey of Harvard students and compile a list of things that Harvard students would rather have in the HappyNest.

– Golf the drinking game/activity/however you would classify it. Much better than mini.

– Money. It can’t buy happiness, but it can buy everything in the HappyNest for your room.

– Real cars. Remote control ones bring happiness, but not as nearly as much as a Blanchard’s run.

– Wait, this place is in the Quad? They better have some Razor scooters. Mom can’t say no this time.

– Ouija boards. Buddha boards are ... . Wait, what in the world is a Buddha board?

– Hot breakfast. No, I’m still not over it.

– Cornhole and PBR. Frat stars need happiness too.

– Hours when everyone on campus isn’t doing homework. Recent studies show failing classes does

not bring happiness.

– Answers to this Chem 17 Pset.

– Transformers. No, not the toys. No, not the electrical things that fry squirrels. I’m talking straight-

up alien robots.

– A quiet, dark room where I can finally be alone and escape from this God-forsaken place. Hide

me from the voices ... or maybe just someone to hold me.

– PUpP1eS!!! Get me some golden retrievers, and forget everything else on this list.

For The Moment