Flyby's Guide to Your iPhone's New Look

Apple has released its new mobile operating system, iOS 7, and with a quick glance you can tell that it changes your iPhone quite a bit. But so that you don’t have to spend your own time looking through the changes, Flyby put together a guide to the ins and outs of your iPhone’s new look.

Simply put, the software makes your iPhone look totally different. If you thought that the old screen was too dreary, the new software boasts a more animated one—but you might need to dig out your sunglasses, because the colors are pretty bright. (Perhaps Apple got the idea from the new Science Center Plaza.)

After combing through the phone’s new features, we found a few improvements. If you hated the multitasking feature on the old software, you’re in luck, because it’s been revamped, so you can now see preview screens of your open apps.

And are you obsessed with selfies? Great, because iOS 7 has photo filters. It’s like your own private Instagram, only without #showingoff.

Still, despite the promising selfies, we feel obligated to warn you about at least one problem we ran into with the new software. Some online commentators have claimed that you can lose your contacts when you download the new operating system, so if that cute guy you met last night has downloaded iOS7, he may not be texting you back.

So, the verdict? Think about waiting a couple days and learning more about any potential bugs before downloading. But if the allure of unlimited, artsy selfies is too great, at least back up those contacts.

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