
Melissa R. Hart

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Wrong Tactics

I T WAS A SATURDAY afternoon. I was about to go outside to sit in the sun when the phone

Let's Meet Half-Way

F IRST-TIME VISITORS to the Lyman Common Room Center for Women (LCR), frequently remark with surprise that they had not

Proper Protection

O N MARCH 20, the United States Supreme Court ruled unanimously that employers may not exclude fertile women from hazardous

'No' Means One Thing

"R APE IS UGLY, violent and dehumanizing," wrote Jon E. Morgan in an editorial last week. "It makes its victims

Who's the Real McCarthy?

L AST SATURDAY, the Harvard community was reminded by a coalition of conservative students that "McCarthyism has revealed its post-Cold

War Is No Cause to Celebrate

W AR IN AMERICA is unlike war anywhere else in the modern world. We have never been invaded by a

Setting Up a Dialogue on Violence

One year ago today, 14 women in Montreal were sentenced to death by a man with a gun. Their crime?

Dear Rape Survivor...

D EAR -------, I am writing this to you because I have sat with you in classrooms, waited in lines

No Veto for Leave Act

S OMETIME this week, President Bush will be formally presented with the Congress-approved Family and Medical Leave Act. The President