
Femme Fatale

Let Me Take a Selfie

March 02, 2017

However, selfies are also the subject of much ridicule and criticism. Multiple articles have concluded that people who take more selfies are more likely to be narcissistic and psychopathic. Other articles have extrapolated that selfie-takers are vain. And many people seem to agree that selfies are a “manifestation of society’s obsession with looks and its ever-narcissistic embrace.” Selfie culture, according to some people, threatens the very moral fabric of society—destroying marriages and ruining friendships.

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How the Women’s March Failed Women

February 16, 2017

And yet, something doesn’t feel quite right.

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Basic Bitch

November 30, 2016

And the basic bitch is always a woman. It is not a coincidence that there is no male equivalent to the basic bitch. The term “f**kboy,” a commonly used pejorative term for men, refers to sexually coercive men who treat women as objects for their pleasure. The female equivalent for a f**kboy, therefore, isn’t a basic bitch but rather a slut or a whore. The f**kboy is ridiculed for his misogynistic treatment of women; the basic bitch is ridiculed for her love of holiday drinks and yoga pants.

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The Glass Ceiling

November 17, 2016

It looks like we have some more waiting to do. And in the meantime, many people, especially men, have been quick to blame Hillary Clinton’s defeat on the fact that she was a “weak candidate.” But what they fail to understand is that in a world so misogynistic, for a woman to even come close to shattering the glass ceiling is a superhuman feat of resilience and strength, and a testament to Hillary Clinton's unstoppable willpower in the face of male dominance.

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Side Effects

November 03, 2016

Hormonal male birth control, on the other hand, is not yet available. There is no pill that men can take every day in order to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Women are still expected to assume sole responsibility for not getting pregnant. This expectation, unfortunately, is nothing new. Single mothers are stigmatized whereas the men who left them are not; teenage girls are chided for “getting themselves pregnant” as though impregnation is something that you can do to yourself; a heterosexual couple engaging in risky sex may end up with an unwanted pregnancy, but only the woman will be shamed and potentially even forced to surrender control of her body for nine months in accordance to restrictive abortion laws.

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