
Jonathan D. Ratner

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Namibia: A Trust Betrayed

A FTER MORE than three decades of debates, resolutions, and narrowly avoided confrontations, the international conflict over the political status

Anatomy of a Nixon Loyalist:

To those who see Richard Nixon as evil incarnate, there is no tragedy in his fall from grace and power.

Med Schools To Feds: Drop Dead

How "private"--how free from government control--can the private university really be? In recent years, the federal government has repeatedly flexed

Program to Ready Ph.D.s For Careers in Business

The educational analysts agree: the academic job market looks bleak now, and during the coming decade it will worsen considerably.

Legislative Conflict Looms Over Final Retirement Bill

U.S. House and Senate conferees appear headed for confrontation this Tuesday over whether to exempt tenured college faculty from the

Hanging Tight on Thomson's Island

The prognosis for South Boston High School this fall is guarded. Three years after the start of court-ordered busing to

Virgo Insight

Before I reached the door it opened smoothly, as if by some mutual signal. And no one could be seen.

Students Seek To Eradicate Prize Limits

Six law students have asked the University to open up to all seniors planning to enroll in the Law School

Retirement Bill Sparks Controversy

The Senate Committee on Human Resources will begin considering a piece of legislation today that faculty and administrators at universities