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Bermuda Biological Station


Several Harvard men were enrolled at the regular session of the Bermuda Biological Station which extended last summer from June 21 to August 7. The new station is located on Agar's Island, near the entrance to Hamilton Harbor. This island contains about three acres of land, and has numerous substantial buildings. It was formerly used by the British government for the storage of ammunitions of war, and for the accommodation of the necessary garrison. It has been secured by the Bermuda History Society for the purposes of a public acquarium and a station for biological research.

The following Harvard men were enrolled at the station this year: Professor E. L. Mark, director; H. W. Rand, Ph.D., in charge from June 21 to July 5; A. M. Banta, Ph.D., Professor of Biology at Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio; Professor Webster Chester, Colby College, Waterville, Me.; C. O. Esterly, Ph.D., Professor of Biology in Occidental College Los Angeles, Cal.; Professor H. M. Kelly, Cornell College, Ia.; Mr. J. A. Long, and Mr. J. W. Mayor.

Seven other persons from various institutions in the United States were enrolled, and the Curator of the Museum of the Bermuda Natural History Society was a member of the staff.

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